Friday, September 7, 2007

Pro-Life Blogger Detained - Media Coverage

VOCM Radio Interviews Eric Alcock On His Arrest By Police Yesterday For Defending The Unborn. The host was by no means friendly to the pro-life cause, blasting Eric with tricky questions and often not letting him even finish the sentence. But Eric did get a chance to say a few important things during this 10-minute interview on the busiest talk show program in the province. That will sure get at least some people thinking.

Here's how the story got covered by the CBC. After praising the conference for a couple of minutes the newscaster mentioned that some unknown protester was arrested. In the update next day the Cheater & Bluffers Co changed the story, claiming the police was only "removing an unwanted visitor from private property". Not a word about who this "unwanted visitor" was, let alone explaining how did Eric become "unwanted" once the Coalition had invited him to the conference.

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